Hastings Primary School

Message from our Principal – Mrs. Simone McDonald

The Department’s latest advice on can be found at www.education.vic.gov.au/coronavirus


Hastings Primary School is a caring, friendly and supportive school community. Our key focus is to provide an inclusive, enriching and motivating learning environment which fosters social, emotional and academic development for every child.
Hasting Primary School was established in 1872, and has a long and proud history in the township of Hastings.
We have excellent indoor and outdoor facilities that provide a safe, welcoming and comfortable learning environment for all members of our school community.

Spacious grounds include landscaped gardens, high quality playground equipment, synthetic turf playing field, walking track, netball/basketball courts and bicycle enclosure.
Classrooms are spacious and comfortable, well heated and cooled, with interactive whiteboard and computer hubs in each of them.

The Visual Arts room, library, gymnasium/hall, kitchen classroom and community café all add to the experiences we offer our students and families.

Find out more

Upcoming Events

Tuesday 23rd July
Student Led Conferences

Wednesday 24th July
Student Led Conferences

Monday 12th August
Curriculum Day – no students required onsite

Monday 2nd -Friday 6th September
Book Week

Wednesday 11th September

Thursday 19th September
Footy Day

Friday 20th September
Final day of Term Three – 2:30 pm dismissal

Our school community values


  • Respect for self, others and the environment
  • Responsibility for the decisions and actions that impact on others and the future
  • Care and Compassion
  • Collaboration with others to promote a community of learners
  • Doing your personal best in the pursuit of excellence
  • Honesty


We would like to acknowledge the Bunurong people past and present, the traditional owners of this place, for taking care of the lands on which we live, learn and play.