Our Community

We value the amazing contribution our families, volunteers and friends make towards our school being a friendly and positive community.
The school provides many ways in which we can build partnerships with our school community members.

  • Parents and volunteers support classroom, specialists and extra curricular activities and programs
  • Buildings and grounds development and maintenance
  • Regular communication through the newsletter and school website
  • School Council and Friends of Hastings Primary School (FoHPS) social and fundraising group
  • Student Counsellor supporting students and families
  • Assisting with and supporting fundraising and social activities
  • Attending assemblies, special events, student lead conferences

School Council

Hastings Primary School’s School Council plays a key role in the school.

Our School Council consists of 12 elected members (8 parent and 4 Department of Education and Training  – DET – representatives) and the school principal. We also have the option for 2 community members to join School Council each year. The School Council meets at least twice per term, with a minimum of eight meetings per year. Currently the meeting schedule is the 3rd Tuesday of each month, unless affected by school holidays, at 5pm in the Administration building.

The School Council works closely with the staff and school community to develop the vision, the priorities and goals for the school through the School Strategic Plan. The current School Strategic Plan is for 2023 – 2027, and can be viewed in the link below.

The overarching goal for the School Council is about improving student achievement and well being for all students.

Much of the School Council’s work is organised through the two active sub-committees:

  1. Facilities, Environment and Major Projects
  2. Finance and Education and Policy

The School Council and its sub-committees work enthusiastically to develop key strategies and action plans to focus on.

Strategic Plan

Working with Families

Working with families is a key component of the Be You framework at Hastings Primary School.

Building positive, open and mutually supportive relationships between home and school is important for everyone concerned.

By establishing these relationships, we are all able to promote

  • a positive school community and a culture of inclusion and respect
  • social and emotional well being for all members of the school community
  • engagement with learning and doing the very best we can together

We look forward to providing lots and lots of information about the Be You program on the website.

If you would like to know more in the mean time, please use the Be You website (link is on our home page) or contact the school for someone to talk with.

Volunteers and Friends of H.P.S.

Hastings Primary School is fortunate to have the support of a very active Friends of Hastings Primary School (FoHPS) group who meet very regularly to plan the school community’s social and fundraising calendar for each year.

FoHPS has representation from both families and the school staff. With this mix, at the planning and organisational level, the program of events is focused on providing lots of different opportunities for our children, families, staff and broader community to participate in together.

Once the executive team completes the calendar of events, the opportunity for many other members of the community is offered to assist, support and join in the fun.

The activities planned more often than not have a two pronged purpose -forming friendships through social interaction and as fundraising for the school.

Fundraising activities have included Easter and Christmas raffles, Mothers and Fathers Day stalls and/or raffles, special produce or merchandise drives, meal deals and whole school …. – a – thon events.

Events planned to build a positive, friendly school community include monthly market, student discos, social events for adults and special celebration days.

Throughout the year we welcome dozens of regular volunteers to the school – in classrooms, in specialist programs, in the playgrounds and on excursions and camps. Parents, grandparents, senior citizens and community volunteers all contribute to the mix of volunteers who help us out in so many ways. If you have a special interest or skills, or simply have time on your hands to help out, you will be made welcome at Hastings Primary School.

HPS Volunteers Policy

Parenting Project

We are proud to provide our families with The Parenting Project

The Parenting Project aims to promote positive fathering behaviours and fathers (and father figures’) engagement with their infants, preschool, primary school and adolescent-aged children.